Justin Crippen Full Stack Developer, Data Analyst, Linux Dude, Dog Trainer Extraordinaire.
“Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance
of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think
digital watches are a pretty neat idea.” — Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Come, Sit, Stay, and check out what I am working on.
I am currently a student at the Nashville Software School. I am a recent graduate of the Data Analytics Program, and I am currently enrolled in the Web Development Full Stack Bootcamp (CH50).
Using React, I created a new dasboard for my data analytics capstone data. The goal of the dashboard was to present the filtered data to the user in the most precise, easy to digest format as possible.
In this project I made use of of the useState hook to store user inputs and filter data. This was my first react solo project and I had some difficultys understanding props and useEffect hooks.
Another fun challenge was getting the search feature to integrate with a dropdown list, and update its state with the user question filters. Solving this problem was as fun as it was challenging.
Data Analytics Capstone
Using Python and Jupyter Notebooks I built a Web Scraping tool to pull dog breed data from over 150 different webpages.
I then aggregated, sorted and cleaned the scraped Data into a database.
I told the story to over 75 attendees using a MS Power BI Dashboard.
This was a very challenging project, building a webscraper, and parsing data using Beautiful Soup are skills that had to be learned in the 2 week capstone time frame. The original intent was to use Tableau for the dashboard, but time constraints forced me to use Power BI.
I am VERY proud of this project, Please enjoy!
Lahman Baseball Project - SQL
Answered a series of challeging data questions from the Sean Lahman baseball DB. This project utilized PostGres SQL. I leraned about query techniques such as CASE Statements, SubQueries, and Joining Tables from a complex ERD Schema.
Hands down one of my favorite data projects, very difficult.
Honey Raes - JS React
Learned how to React.
This project was an intro to useState, and useEffect hooks. We also learned to use the Components Browser Dev tool.
This was the meat and potatoes of all our React curriculum. Was a very fun project.